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Dealing with Personal Injury Protection

By ReshLawJanuary 25, 2023

What is PIP

PIP is an acronym that stands for “Personal Injury Protection.” In Utah, every automobile driver is required to carry $3,000 in PIP insurance to pay for medical expenses before health insurance will start to bill (If you are a motorcyclist, you aren’t required to carry PIP). We are a “no fault” state which means no matter who caused the accident you are still entitled to receive PIP benefits. You need to “exhaust” the entirety of your PIP coverage before your health insurer will begin to pay medical expenses. Once the PIP coverage is exhausted, a PIP adjuster can send the “PIP exhaust letter” to the health insurance company. If they have a lawyer, the lawyer should be able to assist the patient with this process.

Why is my health insurance not paying? 

In practice, we hear from time to time of patients who have health insurance but cannot figure out why their health insurance is not paying their bills. Sometimes they are being pursued and even sent to collections. If they aren’t careful, they can wind up with a ding to their credit report. The assumption being “well I have health insurance, so why should I’m sure if will work out.” It won’t, action needs to be taken.

Take home: If you have health insurance, but the bills are not being paid, and you cannot figure out why, it is likely that the PIP exhaust has not been received and/or processed by the health insurance company.

Thank you for reading. You can call or text us day or night at 801.810.RESH (7374) or find us at


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