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Utah Car Accident Lawyer

Utah car accident lawyer

Car accident injuries vary from minor to catastrophic, and victims injured in a motor vehicle accident will experience differing levels of stress, pain, and suffering due to the collision.

Should another driver or other party bear liability for your automobile accident, you may decide to seek financial compensation from the at-fault parties. Our Utah Car Accident Lawyers are here to help you.

Secure a Legal Representation From Our Utah Car Accident Lawyers for Your Case

Secure legal representation

A Utah car accident lawyer can help you file a personal injury claim after the wreck that left you hurting from your injuries. Below are a few of the critical actions that your personal injury attorney can carry out on your behalf.

Investigation of the Accident

Utah car accident attorneys understand which factors affect personal injury cases. They know what information to seek and subpoena to prove liability and obtain fair compensation for the car accident victim after the accident that injured them.

Determination of Liability

The police report is but one factor used to determine liability. The insurance company can also use statements by the vehicle drivers and witnesses and, if necessary, used later by the courts when determining liability.

Negotiation With Insurance Companies

The primary job of insurance adjusters is to pay out the lowest amount possible when settling car accident cases. A skilled and experienced personal injury lawyer knows the true value of their client's car accident case. They have the talent and expertise to go toe-to-toe with the insurance company and their defense attorneys to obtain the most value for their client's car accident claim.

Representation in Court

Few car accident victims are equipped with the skills to litigate their own personal injury claims in the Utah civil courts. The insurance company knows this and will utilize this lack of experience to minimize their settlement offers when no attorney is present.

The civil courts also have rules of procedure that must be followed when litigating a car accident claim. A car accident lawyer knows these rules and will maximize the highest value for a client's insurance claim.

Maximizing Compensation

A car accident attorney can maximize the compensation you receive from insurance companies after an auto accident by an at-fault driver injures you. Your car accident lawyer will calculate past, present and future medical bills for ongoing treatment after the car crash and add them to your personal injury lawsuit.

Utah Car Accident Laws

Drivers in the state of Utah must maintain the minimum liability insurance coverage of 25/65/15. That breaks down to coverage of $25,000 per person for bodily harm, with a total minimum of $65,000 per accident for bodily injury and an additional $15,000 for property damage.

Motorists must also maintain at least $3,000 in personal injury protection or PIP coverage for their own medical bills arising from an accident. PIP coverage does not preclude filing claims against at-fault drivers' insurance companies in certain situations.

Utah is a modified comparative negligence state. That means that when more than one driver is found liable for the accident, as long as you are less than 50% accountable for the accident, you may be able to secure at least a segment of the damages.

Car Accident Statistics in Utah

Most people are surprised to learn that Utah comes in at number five in the United States with the number of car wrecks. For instance, there were 61,406 collisions reported in 2021.

Of that total, 239 were fatalities, and another 18,224 accidents involved injuries.

Young people 21 to 25 have the highest risk of death from car accidents. Their death rate is 1.2 times the rate of the even younger demographic age group aged 16 to 21. The first group has a 1.3 higher risk of death than those aged 31 to 35.

Conversely, young children have the lowest fatality rates in car wrecks, likely because of compliance with car seat regulations.

From a gender standpoint, men have 2.5 times the risk of fatal auto accidents than their female counterparts. Also, they have nearly twice the rate of drug-related and fatigued driving accidents.

Most car crashes take place during “rush hour” in the morning and late afternoon and on Fridays and Saturdays.

Types of Car Accidents in Utah

Types of car accidents

Below are the types of collisions that frequently injure:

  • Rear-end
  • Head-on
  • T-bone
  • Rollover
  • Multiple car interstate pile ups
  • Sideswipe
  • Hit-and-run

Regardless of what type of accident you were involved in, it is likely that you may have sustained injuries, some serious. Even in minor accidents, it is wise to take the precaution of seeking a medical evaluation.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Utah

Car accidents can occur for multiple reasons, and no two motor vehicle collisions will be identical. But personal injury law firms typically litigate automobile accident claims caused for the following reasons:

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving

Driving too fast, erratically, aggressively, or engaging in acts of “road rage” all contribute to potentially deadly reckless driving that can leave motorists injured.

Distracted Driving

It is vital to stay attentive and vigilant when you are operating, at minimum, a 2,000-pound vehicle on the road. Distractions can include the following:

  • Having too many people in the car;
  • Parents turning around to discipline squabbling siblings;
  • Engaging in grooming tasks;
  • Eating and drinking;
  • Adjusting the radio;
  • Attempting to interact with GPS systems and maps;
  • Talking on cell phones (even hands-free models);
  • Having conversations with passengers; or
  • Attempting to read road signs

These are only a few things that take your attention away from the task at hand and can lead to serious car accidents. Anything that takes your mind, eyes, and hands from the road and the wheel can cause an injury or even a fatal accident.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving

Everyone knows that drinking and driving do not mix. But fewer people realize that taking their own legally prescribed medication or even over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can lead to wrecks and allegations of driving under the influence.

Poor Road Conditions

Utah is an area of the country that often suffers from poor road conditions. Due to year round extreme weather conditions, roads can oftentimes be poorly marked, have numerous potholes, or demonstrate uneven surfaces that can contribute to accidents.

Sometimes, the weather alone may be to blame as well. Drivers should adjust their speeds accordingly and also increase the distance between them and the vehicles ahead when inclement weather conditions arrive.

Vehicle Defects

Vehicle defects

Some accidents are the fault of auto manufacturers' failure to maintain safety standards when designing and producing new vehicles. Other times, it may be the error of the owner for failing to maintain the condition of their automobiles. A skilled attorney will be able to determine who is liable for a vehicle defect accident.

Common Injuries in a Utah Auto Accident

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that annually about 3 million people suffer injuries in  car wrecks. Their injuries range from minor to catastrophic, including but not limited to:

  • Whiplash;
  • Soft tissue injuries;
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI);
  • Head and neck trauma;
  • Connective tissue injuries;
  • Paralysis from spinal injuries;
  • Fractured limbs and pelvis;
  • Internal injuries;
  • Crushing chest wounds;
  • Lacerations; or
  • Avulsions.

Injured victims do not always realize the extent of their injuries immediately following a collision. Getting medically evaluated after an automobile accident is extremely important.

Things You Need to Do Right After Your Utah Car Accident

Things you need to do right after your car accident

What happens in the minutes, days, weeks, and months following a motor vehicle collision can and will affect any attempt to seek compensation .

Always remember that the other driver's insurance company's sole goal is to reduce the amount they will pay to the injured party. They will use all statements and behavior by the victims to discredit the legitimacy of their claim for damages.

This is why it is so critical to stay away from social media and follow your doctor's treatment plan. Any misstep or lapse can be used to reduce the amount of your settlement or judgment after an auto accident.

Below are some other things to do (and not to do) following car accidents.

  • Never admit fault.

Do you know that even a heartfelt "I'm sorry" at the crash site can be misinterpreted to mean that you were negligent when all you meant was that you were sorry that the collision occurred?

  • Stay at the scene.

Leaving the scene of an accident can net you or the other driver a charge for hit-and-run. It is also important to remain to give the officer your version of what took place. We have seen many cases adversely affected when only one of the parties gets to tell their story. Call 911 and remain on the scene to provide insurance information to the officers. Later, make sure that either you or your Utah car accident attorney obtains a copy of the police report.

  • Photograph the crash site.

If your condition allows, take some cellphone photos of the accident scene, including the final position of the vehicles, debris from the impact, and any skid marks that may be present (and the lack thereof). Remember to take photos of BOTH vehicles, not just yours. 

  • Seek medical treatment.

Not all injuries manifest immediately. The adrenaline rush from being involved in a car accident in Utah can mask the pain from serious injuries, including internal bleeding and traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

Even if you sustained only minor injuries, it is vital to document that the collision directly caused them. If you wish to recover compensation from the insurance company, they will issue subpoenas for your medical records during the discovery portion of the car accident claims process.

Pursuing Compensation for Your Utah Car Accident Damages

You are allowed to hold the negligent driver and the other driver's insurance company liable for your injuries, losses, and other damages. In Utah, car accident victims can recover economic and non-economic damages after auto accidents.

Below are some of the potential claims you can make against the other party's insurance company:

  • Pain and suffering;
  • Lost wages;
  • Scarring and disfigurement;
  • Reduced earning capacity in the future;
  • Past, present, and anticipated future medical expenses;
  • Vehicle and personal property damage;
  • Loss of enjoyment of life; and
  • Mental and emotional distress.

Why You Need a Car Accident Attorney

An auto accident lawyer knows the true value of your claim for damages. Even if you had the legal knowledge and skills to litigate your damage claim against the other driver, an insurance company will know that you are not an attorney and will take advantage of that fact. If you enter this space unrepresented, you will surely receive a lowball offer from the insurance company by virtue of the fact that you are not an attorney.

Studies show that representation by an attorney will result in double, triple or even more in compensation, even after you pay the attorney.

Contact ReshLaw Accident & Injury to Schedule a Free Consultation With an Experienced Utah Car Accident Lawyer

Contact ReshLaw to schedule a free consultation

Here at ReshLaw Accident & Injury, we believe that justice should prevail. We fight hard for each of our personal injury clients after they suffered injuries at the hands of a negligent motorist.

When we first meet our clients, they are often in the worst place possible -- injured, without a vehicle, and unable to work and support themselves and their families. That's why every personal injury claim is a priority to our dedicated legal team.

We offer obligation-free consultations to all our personal injury clients. Our Utah Car Accident Lawyers will examine your claim, advise you of its value, and suggest a path forward toward financial compensation. Reach out online to arrange your free consultation, or give us a call at (801) 810-7374.

Utah Car Accident FAQS

Below are a few common questions you may have after a wreck injured you here in Utah.

How long will my case take to settle?

Minor car accident claims can settle in just a few months. More complex cases where severe injuries and damages take longer -- years are not uncommon. One reason for the additional time is that personal injury attorneys wait until their medical treatment is complete to settle clients' cases. The longest part of a case is usually your own treatment. 

What happens if the at-fault party doesn't have car insurance?

This is where an injured victim's uninsured motorist (UM) coverage kicks in to cover your medical expenses and other damages. While it might be wise to sue the at-fault, uninsured driver in some situations, there are some practical concerns to consider. The top reason drivers have no insurance is that they cannot afford it. Therefore, suing them personally might not get you the result you hope for.

How should I interact with insurance providers after a car accident?

Ideally, you will not have to because you will retain a personal injury law firm that will handle your claim for damages. Many people tend to say the wrong thing when talking with the insurance adjuster handling your car accident case. This is where an experienced Utah car accident lawyer can prove invaluable and get the most compensation possible if you suffer injuries due to another driver's negligence.

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